Imprint ADSp English Version

Imprint/Disclaimer/Privacy Statement

Impressum Datenschutzerklärung AGB


ADSp 2017


Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Beschreibung: NTG groß transparent




















NTG Transportgesellschaft mbH

Im Riedle 9, 89278 Nersingen/Germany


Phone: +49 (0) 7308 96 95-0

Fax: +49 (0) 7308 96 95-95





authorized representative manager: Gerhard Haible (CEO)

Registry Court: District Court Memmingen

Registry number: HRB 10074

VAT – ID number according to § 27a Sales Tax Law (UStG): DE186913682


Responsible for contents according to § 7 TMG:

Gerhard Haible, Im Riedle 9, 89278 Nersingen/Germany





We review and update the content of this website regularly. However, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the provided data and information. Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the contents of external links. The operator is exclusively responsible for the contents of the linked sides.













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Privacy Statement


Your personal data (e.g. title, name, house address, e-mail address, phone number, bank details, credit card number) are processed by us only in accordance with the provisions of German and European data privacy laws (DSGVO). The following provisions describe the type, scope and purpose of collecting, processing and utilizing personal data. This data privacy policy applies only to our web pages. If links on our pages route you to other pages, please inquire there about how your data are handled in such cases.

Inventory data

(1) Your personal data, insofar as these are necessary for this contractual relationship (inventory data) in terms of its establishment, organization of content and modifications, are used exclusively for fulfilling the contract. For goods to be delivered, for instance, your name and address must be relayed to the supplier of the goods.

(2) Without your explicit consent or a legal basis, your personal data are not passed on to third parties outside the scope of fulfilling this contract. After completion of the contract, your data are blocked against further use. After expiry of deadlines as per tax-related and commercial regulations, these data are deleted unless you have expressly consented to their further use.

Information about cookies

(1) To optimize our web presence, we use cookies. These are small text files stored in your computer's main memory. These cookies are deleted after you close the browser. Other cookies remain on your computer (long-term cookies) and permit its recognition on your next visit. This allows us to improve your access to our site.

(2) You can prevent storage of cookies by choosing a "disable cookies" option in your browser settings. But this can limit the functionality of our Internet offers as a result.


According to the Federal Data Protection Act, you have a right to free-of-charge information about your stored data, and possibly entitlement to correction, blocking or deletion of such data. Inquiries can be directed to the following e-mail address: